Tuesday, August 19, 2014

And On To Another School Year...

I'm ambivalent about the end of summer and the start of the school year. If all of my kids were in school, I would probably look forward to the start of school more, as a chance to have some quiet in the house. But since I will now have two at home and two at school, it's kind of a toss-up whether I prefer school vacations or regular school days.

The advantage, for me, of non-school days is not having to deal with drop-off and pick-up. If I don't have to worry about being back in time to pick up one or another of my kids from school, then we can take longer afternoon outings, plan errands, pop out for lunch or dinner, or just hang around the house all day, and no one has to be tossed into his car seat in the middle of a nap or playtime.

On the other hand, when my kids are in school, the house is quieter. There are fewer personalities to deal with, less arguing. It's generally more peaceful. (Although, I expect this to change as the baby moves into toddlerhood and buts heads more often with his brother.) Plus, when the kids are in school, I feel like at least for some hours of the day they're not simply staring at a screen all day, they're not sitting like lumps on the couch, and their brains are engaged. They're socializing and playing and learning. So when they come home and want to veg out, I don't feel as bad about it.

I generally despise "schlepping." Going from one place to another, strapping all four kids into the car, getting all four out of the car, into the car, out of the car, entertaining three while the other is at an activity, going to pick up one or two while the others are just along for the ride. I don't like being bound to strict schedules and having to disrupt everyone else's routines for the sake of one. This is family life, and no one is more important than anyone else, but I feel bad that the babies tend to get slighted and spend so much time in the car. I also dislike feeling torn between supervising homework and supervising toddlers, neglecting one child because the other needs more support, and leaving the older ones mostly to their own devices because the younger ones still need me so much. I think it all balances out in the end, but in the moment it is hard for everyone.

I am excited for my 5-year-old to finally start kindergarten, though! For the first time, two of my kids will be at the same school, together, every day. I won't get into the insane kindergarten schedule this school has that I am not as excited about. He's counting down the days until he starts. He's so excited. He really craves friends and learning and I'm sure this will be a great year for him.

My biggest is starting third grade, which blows my mind. I know kids get bigger and older and move forward through life at what is apparently a staggering rate, but third grade feels so big. I'm mostly excited for him. I hope he'll be challenged and rewarded for rising to that challenge. I hope he'll solidify friendships, learn all sorts of new information he can pepper his conversation with, and start really diving into what school is all about.

We'll settle into a routine and work out the kinks as the year goes on, and before I know it, it'll be summer again, with it's relaxation and stir-craziness. I have the feeling I'll really appreciate summer break by the time it rolls around next June!

1 comment:

  1. Ronaldo Ingin Rasakan Gelar Juara Bersama Timnas Portugal

    Agen Bola Melaporkan Berita Olahraga Terkini dan terbaru Indo11.com - Tak ada yang meragukan kemampuan Ronaldo saat dirinya berseragam klub. Bersama Manchester United, Ronaldo seakan membuat pendukung MU melupakan David Beckham. Bahkan beberapa titel juara juga telah berhasil ia genggam saat menjadi bagian dari Real Madrid.
    Namun untuk urusan timnas Portugal, Ronaldo belum pernah menggapai trofi untuk negaranya. Beberapa edisi Euro dan Piala Dunia, Portugal harus pulang sebelum mencapai partai puncak.
    Pada tahun 2004, Portugal pernah masuk kefinal tapi kalah dengan Yunani dengan skor 1-0. Tahun ini, Ronaldo cs punya kesempatan lagi main di partai final setelah mengalahkan Wales di semi final. Mereka akan bertemu dengan tuan rumah Prancis yang akan digelar pada akhir pekan ini.
    “Laga final ini akan sangat berarti yang selalu saya impikan, menang bersama timnas,” kata Ronaldo pada UEFA.com.
    “Saya sudah pernah menjadi juara di berbagai kompetisi di klub dan di level individual, juara bersama Portugal akan menjadi pencapaian luar biasa.
    “Saya yakin kami bisa, rekan dan seluruh rakyat Portugal percaya. Kami harus berpikir positif bahwa pada hari Minggu nanti akan menjadi raihan juara untuk pertama kalinya,” tandas pemain 31 tahun tersebut.
