Wednesday, August 29, 2012

National Rally for Change - September 3, 2012

I am blown away by the excitement with which Americans have embraced the National Rally for Change. The Rally will be held in over 100 cities across the United States this Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. local time. The Rally is sponsored by Improving Birth, an organization started by San Diego doula Dawn Thompson, whom I have met at several ICAN meetings. Dawn is so passionate about normal birth, drawing on her own four very different birth experiences and her work as a doula to inspire others to learn about and support normal birth.

The high profile the Rally has achieved is thanks to Dawn's vision of a national shift in birth culture. Though the United States outspends every country in the world for maternity care, we rank just 49th of all countries for maternal mortality rates. By demanding evidenced-based care in pregnancy and birth, the Rally seeks to educate the public, including hospitals and care providers about better birth practices that lead to better birth outcomes for mothers and babies.

The most encouraging response to the Rally has come from hospitals themselves, many of which are supporting their local Rallies by providing parking, toilets, and a space to gather so that Rally signs will be visible. Hospitals want to work with the organization to improve their labor and maternity care, and the Rally is a great way to open a dialog.

To find a Rally location near you, visit

To support the Rally financially, you can shop here for branded items such as t-shirts, wrist bands, and bags, or you can donate money directly to the cause.

Please, spread the word, invite your friends, neighbors, family members, and acquaintances to your local Rally. Share the information on your social networks. Blog about it!

We hope to see you there this Monday!

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